
We help companies in Laguna Hills, California with all their tax needs.

Settling Trusts & Estates

For the past 30 year we have assisted and acted in the settling of Trust and Estates for our tax clients.
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Whether in the role of Executor or Successor Trustee or just assisting our clients, we have been able to provide the proper expertise to navigate those difficult times.

As a Successor Trustee, our role will depend on when we begin to act in this role. Sometimes this occurs while our clients are living and sometimes after they are deceased. It all depends on the needs of our clients.

If you would like the peace of mind of knowing that your wishes will be carried out properly after you are gone, we can provide that peace for you. As Successor Trustee and Executor, it would be our responsibility to do so.

If you would like to know more about these services and how we can help, please give us a call for consultation.